Mobile: +33 6 26 26 51 90
Birth date: 1986-05-10
Personal car
Last year project
Adding CAN network diagnostic to Eclipse (trough Model transformation technologies).
4 month internship as an Embedded Hardware Engineer at VLS (Valeo Lighting Systems)
Adding monitoring functions to LED based projectors.
Linux user since 2003, multi-distributions capacities : LFS, Debian, RedHat, Ubuntu, ...
Many programing languages and paradigms experiences : C, Python, Java, C#, Awk, Make, VHDL, interested by formal validation.
High level language (near C#) which generates C following GObject conventions.
Currently, I am responsible of Vala benchmarks.
POSIX compatible, Desktop environment.
I use it as my primary desktop. I reports bugs, follows the future plans and I'm involved at developing components.
Associative activities
Secretary then Tresorary then President of a Movie club.
Secretary of of the V.V.V. (international meetings).